How to Experience Caffeine’s Energy Without the Crash

How to Experience Caffeine’s Energy Without the Crash
Ever get that jittery feeling after one too many cups of coffee? Or maybe you’ve chugged down a can of your favorite energy drink packed with caffeine and sugar? Either way, that sudden rush of energy doesn’t last. Sooner or later, your sugar rush or caffeine high ends, and you come crashing back to earth.
Experiencing energy without the crash sounds too good to be true, right? If you’re a night person and need a caffeine hit to push you through the mornings or just love the taste of coffee, there is a solution. A way to offset the caffeine crash. How? Read on to find out.
In this article:
→ What Causes an Energy Crash?
→ Why Does Caffeine Cause a Crash?
→ How to Get the Energy Without the Crash?
What Causes an Energy Crash?
An energy crash isn’t a medical term. Instead, it describes the feeling when a stimulant or energy source leads to a crash as it filters out your system. There are two main culprits:
1. Sugar
2. Caffeine
Sugar doesn’t cause the same rush associated with caffeine. However, it should improve your energy and wakefulness if you feel sluggish.
Sugar crash, or reactive hypoglycemia, is mainly associated with diabetics, but anyone can experience more mild symptoms. It’s caused by a sudden drop in blood sugar levels after a meal, leading to dizziness, anxiety, shakiness, hunger, and pale skin.
Energy drinks often cause sugar crashes due to the sheer quantity of sugar in each can. Indeed, some energy drinks contain more than your daily limit in a single dose, leading to a rapid insulin spike as your body reacts to excessive blood sugar, followed by an immediate crash.
Why Does Caffeine Cause a Crash?
Caffeine isn’t a nutrient like sugar; it’s a drug. Its mechanism is directly related to how your body becomes sleepy.
You see, throughout the day, your body converts the molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP) into energy. Think of it like your body’s molecular battery. As the ATP breaks down, adenosine builds up as a byproduct. Because Adenosine is directly related to how much energy you burn, it’s a fantastic marker for when sleep is needed.
As adenosine concentrations build, it creates “sleep pressure.” You naturally feel more tired until the concentration gets so high you go to bed.
Caffeine blocks the adenosine receptors, preventing you from feeling sleepy. Not only that, but it also stimulates the brain, improving focus, concentration, alertness, and memory. It’s a stimulant, after all. Consume too much, and you’ll begin to push these positive effects too far, leading to jitters, anxiousness, restlessness, nervousness, anxiety, headaches, and other symptoms.
Unfortunately, your body isn’t used to working in such a highly stimulated manner. As the caffeine begins to filter out of your system – between 60 minutes to 5 hours after consumption – its effects wear off. Sudden sleep pressure hits you, and the epinephrine and dopamine the caffeine stimulated also drop off, triggering an even greater tiredness and drop in mood than usual.
How Can I Get the Energy Without the Crash?
The only way to entirely avoid the crash is not to consume caffeine. That’s not going to happen. So, what can you do to reduce the crash? Well, just as a healthy dose of hydration, some salty foods, and a vitamin C tablet can alleviate a hangover, so too there are remedies for the caffeine crash.
First, the basics -always get a good night’s sleep and avoid drinking caffeine too close to bedtime; consuming caffeine when sleep-deprived will leave you feeling even more tired when the effects wear off. In addition, caffeine close to bedtime prevents healthy sleep, exacerbating feelings of tiredness in the morning. I advise stopping caffeine consumption 5-6 hours before bedtime.
That being said, there are some ingredients you can add to your coffee to get the energy without the crash.
Theanine, or L-theanine, is a naturally occurring, non-protein amino acid. Found in certain types of tea, theanine has been noted for its mild-cognitive-enhancing effects and relaxation promotion.
The effects of Theanine become fascinating when consumed with caffeine. A 2007 study notes that “‘headache’ and ‘tired’ ratings were reduced and ‘alert’ ratings increased when consumed together. Another study also found that theanine and caffeine improved task switching and attention compared to a placebo.
Moreover, some studies show that theanine suppresses the blood pressure-increasing effects of caffeine. That was even true under physical and psychological stress.
Rhodiola Rosea
This herbal supplement is renowned for its adaptogenic properties, especially general resistance to stress. Like many herbal remedies, its mechanism isn’t fully understood. Two bioactive compounds – rosavin and salidroside – are thought to reduce fatigue and stress alongside antidepressant, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.
Centuries of anecdotal evidence also indicate an increased sense of well-being and anti-aging and longevity-promoting properties.
The B vitamins are a group of eight vitamins associated with cell metabolism. To alleviate the caffeine crash, vitamins B12 and B6 are essential. Since coffee consumption is associated with lower levels of B vitamins, it is vital to replace these all-important nutrients.
Vitamin B12, or cobalamin, works to counteract caffeine’s stimulant effects. Caffeine stimulates the release of cortisol to wake you up. Cortisol is a stress hormone that keeps your body alert. Too much, however, can wear you down and cause inflammation. Vitamin B12, in contrast, reduces the effects of cortisol, lowering blood pressure and creating equilibrium. B12 is also critical for your brain and central nervous system functioning – allowing quicker recovery from caffeine.
Vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, on the other hand, is a cofactor in the synthesis of the neurotransmitters dopamine and epinephrine; it helps rebuild the body’s stores after caffeine uses them up. It also helps synthesize serotonin, the feel-good chemical. Little wonder it’s associated with improved mood and reduced symptoms of depression.
Final Thoughts
The crash sucks, but we aren’t giving up our caffeine.
Want an easy way to add these ingredients to your daily cup of Java? Enjoy energy without the crash by incorporating Daily Vitality into your daily coffee ritual. With theanine, Rhodiola rosea, and vitamins B12 and B6, at studied dosages, Daily Vitality helps you bypass the dreaded caffeine crash.
If you’re tired of feeling that sudden energy drop, join our mailing list and get the first taste of Daily Vitality- engineered to elevate energy, sharpen focus, avoid the crash, and promote stress relief.
- Tags: Energy Rhodiola Supplements